6-71 Natural Detroit Diesel Marine Engines (3 Available)
- Price:$Make Us An Offer!
- Running Take Outs
- 1 does not have a gear
- 2 come with Allison gears
- Low hours
- Located in New York State
Details re deemed to be correct but are not guaranteed and should be independently verified. .
Please contact us for further information sms@scrutonmarine.com
Scruton Marine Inc. Phone 519-583-1636
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Twin Disc MG509 2:1
- Price: $8,500 USD
- Good runner
- Low hours
- Recent rebuild
- Very clean inside
- Nice gears
- Off of a Detroit Diesel 6-71N
- Windsor, Ontario
Details are deemed to be correct but are not guaranteed and should be independently verified. marine gear for sale
Please contact us for further information sms@scrutonmarine.com
Scruton Marine Inc. Phone 519-583-1636
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Detroit Diesel 6-71N 4V Truck Engine
- Price: $3,500 CDN
- Good runner
- Located in: Windsor, Ontario
Details are deemed to be correct but are not guaranteed and should be independently verified. .
Please contact us for further information sms@scrutonmarine.com
Scruton Marine Inc. Phone 519-583-1636
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6-71 Detroit Diesel Engines – 2 available
- Price $5,000 USD EACH
- 65kw @ 1200 rpm
- Removed from a tug
- Located in: South Carolina
Details are deemed to be correct but are not guaranteed and should be independently verified. .
Please contact us for further information sms@scrutonmarine.com
Scruton Marine Inc. Phone 519-583-1636
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