File No.W2277
1991 17.67m x 4.48m x 1,48m Wood Covered with Fiberglass 10 Ton Cargo/Passenger/WorkBoat
Built in Maldives
Certified for 15passengers and 10 ton cargo
Last survey: May14, 2013
Gross tonnage:9.2 tons
Volvo Penta TAMD41 – 175 hp – year 1991
Twin Disc transmission
Shaft size:2″
Propeller size:24″
Cruising speed:9 knots
Fuel capacity:400 litres
Fresh watercapacity: 300 litres
Electronics: VHFRadio, GPS, Compass
Located in Maldives
Price: $141,750 USD
Details are deemed to be correctbut are not guaranteed and should be independently verified
Please contact us forfurther information
Scruton Marine Inc. Phone519-583-1636
Details are deemed to be correct but are not guaranteed and should be independently verified.
Please contact us for further information
Scruton Marine Inc. Phone 519-583-1636
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